With the Firecracker right around the corner I've been taking it pretty easy the last couple of days. Stretching, napping, and trying to get my balance back after Monday night's celebration.
Went to see our Magic Doctor in Steamboat today. Pam had an appointment, and the drive to Steamboat is well worth the service he provides. I swear, it's crazy. In minutes he can fix the aches, pains, and bike-fit issues Pam has struggled with forever. I had planned on just going along for the ride, but it took Dr. Jon about 10 minutes until he had me burping fish oil and looking like Pinhead. I had already had needles from my face to my toes when I made mention of some recent sleeping issues. A few more pricks and I was snoring before we got to the car.
While we're at it with all the links maybe I should add some favorites. Skinsuits and Unicorns Joe shows what midwest racing should look like. How not to race in Wisconsin
Finally, Not for the timid... ComeRideWithUs, PG13
Donation Motivation
Insert favorite 'blown seal' joke here.
Is anybody out there? If you read this, let me know