Sunday, August 9, 2009


That's the new word I just invented for Instant Inspiration... Came to me after I found an amazing email in my inbox explaining one camper's thoughts on her experience at First Descents camp.

Still Going Strong,
Two years ago today, I had surgery to remove the tumors from my abdomen and got preliminary biopsy results confirming that I had cancer. Or, more realistically, I was unconscious and on all kinds of killer pain meds while my parents worried about the news from the lab. With all of the talk about chemo and prognosis (and trying to fit in my senior pictures before I was bald), it took a while for anyone to tell me what really happened that day - I got an invitation to the coolest camp and the coolest sport I could have imagined. The past two years have added some scars, removed some hair, and given me a new appreciation for being allowed to sleep through the night. While I could have done without the nausea and inability to walk, any disease that has First Descents as a side effect just got a little bit easier to take. I know I'm alive because of my doctors, but I'm well because of people like you. Thanks again for an awesome week, and here's to many more cancerversaries for all of us.
Baby Guac

Thanks Baby Guac, I'll be thinking about you in Leadville.

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