Leadville, yep Lance smashed it.

I didn't fare so well. Was running great until I cut my tire pretty good about 23 miles in. Clowning around in the cold rain, trying to make a tire patch out of anything I could find, my heart rate dropped and I got cold. Real cold. Can't control fingers and big shiver cold. I was having a little trouble mumbling my words to the riders that were asking me if I was OK as they past. After spending a few minutes walking in a circle looking for my glasses, I realized it was time to get off the hill. How did I lose them? Not sure. They were here just a minute ago.
After final inspection of my tire, it looks as if it was in some sort of knife fight. A huge can-opener cut in the sidewall and some punctures in the tread. I don't think I could have McGiver'ed that thing with a clear head.
I think it was Karma biting me in the ass for being a little cocky about my tire selection. I had been talking trash about some of my competitor's gambling with flimsy tires and I how I was Oh-so-smart and running beefy tires with extra Stans... Damn you Irony. I'm definitely a little frustrated. Dropping out of race is one of my least favorite things. Especially a race I felt ready for / was doing well in. Watching the finish of a race you are supposed to be in is a strange feeling. Listen up kids, DFL is better than DNF any day.
Right now I feel as if I owe it to myself, and some our FD supporters, to go back next year and redeem myself. I hope I can get in again.
This should make you smile. 35 worst celebrity tattoos.
Your seat is too low