I'm Kidding, I'm really excited about the opportunity but now what? Do I race Single Speed? That sounds dumb,,, but sexy too. Sexy and dumb like a playmate.
Now, let me get you caught up,
Vail Camp 1 starts today. Pam and I have the opportunity to help out this week by acting as camp photographers. We're both very excited about experience camp first hand. We'll be joining the group in activities like biking and kayaking as well as hanging around socially. And look what showed up on my door yesterday!

Yesterday was the annual Colorado Eagle River Ride. Or as I have renamed yesterday's, The Banana Pursuit. A big group of us decided to take it easy, sleep in, and get rolling a little later than usual. Things were great and we were humming along at a nice 'conversational' pace when we made it to the first aid station... No bananas. No Oreos. No PBnJ... starting late had put us way off the back of getting to the good snacks. Truly 'A spot of bother'. Nothing in the world motivates Baker and I like knowing someone up the road was consuming our calories! Our group got working like a well oiled machine... In Dotsero I felt like I'd been on a bullet train. Banana and ice cream rewards were there in abundance. We ran into a few other Team Fd-ers on the ride too. Lookin good Amanda and,,, wait a second here,,, for the FIRST TIME EVER, John Heisdorf in spandex.

With all the excitement I almost forgot we had a town race in there somewhere.

And I have my new favorite picture of Pam. Maybe next time the paper steals a pic off this page they'll use one of my wife looking badass and not one I get in trouble for.
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