Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bike To Work Day!

But what if you don't have a day job? Well, you bike to free doughnuts and coffee day. We gotta support the cause. I guess we did some "work". We had to ride up and get our new business cards ordered. Official.
Since we were up and at 'em early we just kept on hustlin': We worked out a corporate match affair; Wrangled up some raffle prizes; (That's right, beer sponsor tandem bike! Holla) Printed and wrote some thank you cards; Haggled over some T-shirt pricing; Got a KEY fundraising partner on board with our project; And finally some realistic fundraising goals. ($5K by Aug 1)
After all that it was time for a little rest day reward.


  1. Mmmmmm Charcoal Burger

  2. More people would be biking, if we had "bike to free doughnuts and coffee day".
